Viktoria Klivtsova
5 min readMar 11, 2021

Creating a lot of income or abundance in our lives is quite simple.

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But most of us think it is very difficult, in the end it turns out that way.

The hardest part of our relationship with money is letting ourselves know where it might come from. We must focus on what is possible. For example, most people believe that their income is limited to a certain amount, and this is all the money that can come into their lives. Others say that their monthly salary is a certain amount of US dollars, and they do not want to get a second job.

In the first case, a person has certain boundaries of his income, and does not allow the possibility of receiving more money. In the second case, a person determines his personal channel for receiving money. So, to create more money out of thin air, we must be willing to free our limited thinking, remove the boundaries around our abundance, and stop describing how money comes into our lives. Notice the pun: money and abundance.

The first step in making money is to recognize that there is a lot of money. Rest assured, you can create abundance in your life. Abundance sometimes appears to be money that you can spend. Sometimes, abundance can be thought of as inviting you to dinner or getting unexpected discounts on the purchases you make. In general, you must determine for yourself the meaning of these words.

The following guidelines will help you expand your thinking and break any boundaries on the path to money and abundance.

Rule one:

Money is energy. It obeys the laws of nature, and, like the tides of the ocean, has a natural rhythm of currents, forward and backward. When we allow money to flow to us without limiting it or defining the path of receipt, then we become masters of abundance. We restrict the flow of abundance when we do not allow someone to pay for lunch: “No, no, you should not pay for lunch.” We limit the flow of abundance when we don’t pick up the penny we see on the street. You ask the Universe for abundance, and now, let it be small, but the stream, right under your feet, you just need to bend down and accept it. We limit the flow of abundance by limiting our thinking. When you say you make a certain amount of dollars, you set boundaries and limit the flow of abundance into your life.

Rule two:

Money is faceless. Money is neither good nor evil. They have no price other than what we ourselves give them. Money is not interested in who you are, what you have behind you, or what our family’s past is. This follows from the first rule, because money is just energy, and nothing more. They can be used for any purpose. Money can be used to benefit people, but it can also be used to their detriment. How we use money, or how we think about money, does not change the nature of money, which is energy.

Rule three:

The money is not limited. When we understand the rules of the first and second, money or abundance can freely flow to us as much as we allow them. For example, last year there were a number of natural disasters where thousands of people lost their homes and needed a return to normal life. People rallied to help the victims and said that for this they need a certain amount of dollars. Within hours, millions of dollars poured in from all sources. Know that you can do the same. Create necessity, open up energy, and allow the universe to provide you with all the good things in your life.

Stream opening.

You can create more abundance in your life because your essence is energy and money is energy. The first step is to develop a relationship with money. Every night, before you go to bed, write in your journal at least ten things you are grateful for. Identify, write down, and thank for whatever cash you have at your disposal. Say thank you to the person who paid for the lunch. Say thanks to Spirit, God or the Universe for the money you found on the street. Say thank you to the person who smiled at you on the bus. These simple steps will only take ten to fifteen minutes. Allow yourself to just try and see what opens up and flows into your life. If you forget to keep a journal for several days or weeks, notice how the flow may slow down or stop. Grab a pen and start writing your journal and developing the habit again.

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Once you develop this wonderful new habit, you can start creating new sources of income. Trust me, it works. You can create what you want in the future, but write it down in the present tense. Remember, don’t create boundaries or define how abundance will flow into your life.

Below are examples of phrases you can write in your journal:

- I thank you for all the limitless streams of income in my life.

- I thank you for my new job, with a good salary, located near my home.

-I thank you for all the money I have.

-I thank you for the flow of financial abundance in my life.

-I am grateful for all the abundance and all the good things in my life.

- I thank you for my paid vacation in the south.

-I thank you for the opportunity to let all the good things into my life.

- I’m grateful for my health.

-I am grateful for my beautiful body, which functions are excellent and healthy.

-I am healthy and grateful for excellent health.

-I am grateful for all the relationships in my life.

Creating a lot of income or abundance in our lives is very simple. Let go of boundaries and limiting thoughts and allow all the good things to come into your life. You will soon be teaching others how to create money out of thin air.

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